Striving to instill discipline, teamwork, commitment and confidence
in our athletes.

 A Non-Profit
Water Polo Club

American River Water Polo Club

Conditioning for our Competitive Athletes

Fall Conditioning- Session 2 
Oct 12-Nov 19
*Week of Oct 19-Oct 23 NO PRACTICE
Cost: $230

Monday/Wednesday – Boys 
Tuesday/Thursday- Girls
1.5 hours groupings between 3:30-9:00
30 min of dryland, 60 min of water conditioning
**We will still not have access to bathrooms/locker rooms.  Athletes will need to arrive in swim suit, shorts, shirt and tennis shoes.  No deck changing is allowed and athletes will need to leave in their swim suit as well.

Registration is limited.  While we would like to welcome new members for training, PRIORITY WILL GO TO CURRENT AND PAST ATHLETES

IMPORTANT Program Information - COVID Guidelines

In order to participate in this program, athletes and their parents/guardians must agree to abide by all rules set forth below, sent via email before or suring the program session, or laid out by the coaches at the pool facility. WE HAVE WAITED ALOMOST FOUR MONTHS TO GET BACK IN THE WATER AND IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL PARTICIPANTS PLAY THEIR ROLE IN ENSURING THAT ALL PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SPREAD OF COVID ARE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AND FOLLOWED. These guidelines include:

 Participants must arrive 5-15 minutes before their scheduled session start time. They should NOT arrive earlier and loiter (early arrivals should stay in their car if possible until 5-15 minutes before their sessions start time). Late arrivals may not be allowed into the pool area at all. 
Participants shall enter and exit the pool facility from different gates. A follow up email detailing which gate will serve as the entrance and exit shall be sent once the groups and locations have been determined. 
ALL participants and coaches shall submit to a temperature scan with a touchless thermometer before entering the pool facility. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit shall not be allowed to participate and shall be separated and monitored until a safe ride home has been arranged. 
Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 degrees or that displays symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be allowed to participate and may not return to the program until cleared by a medical professional.
Participants shall wear a face mask to and from their vehicles and in the pool facility until they are instructed to get into the pool. Coaches will be wearing a face mask at all times. 
No parents or guardians will be allowed in the pool facility and should not congregate by the pool entrance or exit.
Participants shall be instructed to wait in physically distant marked spaces and to place their belongings in specific locations to avoid intermingling with other groups and to maximize physical distancing within their group. 
Participants shall refrain from physically touching any other participants and shall practice physical distancing of 6 feet or more at all times. 
Participants should bring a towel and a water bottle and a small bag.